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YOURPROTEIN Presents Alpha Neon Hydron8 450g!

Key Ingredients for Optimal Hydration:

L-Taurine (3000mg): Taurine supports cellular hydration and muscle function, aiding in overall physical performance and endurance.

Cocomineral (1500mg): Derived from coconut water, Cocomineral provides a natural source of potassium and other electrolytes for balanced hydration.

Himalayan Pink Salt (700mg): This mineral-rich salt contains essential trace minerals and electrolytes, helping maintain proper fluid balance in the body.

Sodium (686mg): Sodium is a crucial electrolyte for regulating fluid levels and preventing dehydration, making it essential for active individuals.

Calcium (300mg): Calcium plays a role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission, contributing to overall muscle and body function.

Magnesium (150mg): Magnesium supports muscle and nerve function and is vital for maintaining electrolyte balance.

Astaxanthin (4mg): A potent antioxidant, astaxanthin helps combat oxidative stress during physical activity, aiding in recovery and overall well-being.

Vitamin B6 (1.4mg) & B12 (1.5mcg): These B vitamins are essential for energy metabolism, keeping you energized during your workouts.


Stay Hydrated, Stay Strong:

Whether you’re hitting the gym, going for a run, or staying active, Hydron8 ensures you’re always hydrated and ready to perform at your best. Stay focused, stay strong, and stay hydrated with ALPHA NEON HYDRON8.


How to Use:

Mix the recommended serving of ALPHA NEON HYDRON8 with water and consume during physical activity or throughout the day to maintain optimal hydration levels.

Experience the Difference:

ALPHA NEON HYDRON8 is more than just a hydration product; it’s your essential partner in achieving peak performance. Elevate your hydration game with confidence and order ‘Hydron8’ today.

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